Mastering Boring Conversations: The SLANT Approach

The holiday season often brings us together with family and friends, creating moments for lively conversations. However, not every discussion is a captivating one. Whether you find yourself stuck in a seemingly dull dialogue or need an exit strategy, mastering the art of conversation is a valuable skill. In this blog post, we’ll explore the […]

Seven Steps to Spring Cleaning Your Website

Website Annual Maintenance Tasks  by Christina Hills   By taking the time to update, optimize, and edit your website, you’ll attract more visitors, improve user experience, and boost your search engine rankings. Remember, visitors don’t spend a long time on your website. If there’s a broken link, missing image, slow speed, or any other issue, they’re […]


After a fun, busy, and eventful holiday season, the new year has arrived, and we are ready to take on a new beginning and a fresh slate. I hope each of you enjoyed your time off of work (or school) and have embraced the holiday season with family, friends, and loved ones. It truly is […]

How to Thank Everyone Associated with Your Practice

Yay – the Holiday season has officially begun!  👏 I know this is the time of year that we all look forward to and it can also be very stressful! So much to do… planning dinner, invite friend and family, and so much more. While we are seeing Christmas decorations everywhere – this is really our […]

The Top Ten Ways to Use PDTA Materials to Strengthen, Stabilize and Build your Cohesive Team

This is one of the most favorite times of the year! A time to be with family and friends,enjoying all the holiday decorations, and maybe even enjoying a blanket of snow! For many of us, it is a time to look at our practices and plan for the changes we want to make in 2023. We […]

Natural GERD Remedies

It’s the season for barbecues, picnics and ballpark hotdogs. With these wonderful times spent with family and friends can come indigestion and heartburn – which may be diagnosed as GERD. Experiencing these symptoms sporadically is not usually a problem but when it becomes chronic many complications can occur.😞 I know we also see evidence of […]

5 Awesome April Fool’s Pranks and Marketing Ideas

I am posting this a little early in that you might be able to use some of these ideas to prank your kids, grandkids, or anyone else you want! Here is a April joke: How do April flowers kiss? With their tu-lips! 🌷🌷 5 AWESOME April Fool’s Pranks 😜 Swap their favorite cereal Change out […]

Skills training Checklists – do you have any?

I recently saw a copy of the article sent out from the ADA about the shortage of staff and the difficulty finding them in most dental offices. I am sure some of you are feeling this same pinch. How are you evaluating new hires for their skills and determine their training needs? 👎☹ I have […]

“WOW” Experiences – Are your patients feeling it?

When was the last time you looked at your PATIENT EXPERIENCE while they are in your office? Look at it through the eyes 👀 of your patients as well as their families… who are watching and having a different customer experience. Is it a  “WOW” experience or… is it just OK? Is your practice generating lots of FANS?   How many […]

What is that Funky Smell?

The health and safety of everyone in your office is nothing to take lightly. But that goes for your team just as much as it goes for your patients! I can’t stress enough the importance of adhering to all CDC and government regulations that have been required for dental offices to remain open, but I also can’t […]