Top 10 Ways to Cool Your Anger


Left unchecked, anger can damage relationships, careers, even lives. Here are 10 simple ways to cool your anger before it gets out of control:


  1. Take several deep breaths. Breathe in calmness and then release anger as you breathe out.
  2. Do something physical. Take a walk, go to the gym or walk some stairs. Not only is exercise healthy for your body, it’ll do wonders for your mood.
  3. Take a break. Before you blow up, walk away from the situation to regroup and gather your thoughts.
  4. Meditate or listen to some soothing music. Rewiring your thought patterns toward something peaceful and relaxing can help defuse anger.
  5. Be grateful. Learn to find the lesson in every situation and be thankful for opportunities to grow as a person.
  6. Write it out. Journaling your thoughts helps you vent in a safe and positive way.
  7. Count to 10. This might sound simplistic, but it’s an easy and quick way to take the edge off anger.
  8. Refocus the negative energy of anger into something more positive. Look for humor in the situation.
  9. Learn to be assertive. Learn what your needs are and how to make them clear to others in a way that is respectful of yourself and others, not pushy or demanding.
  10. Seek professional help. If you find you’re angry a lot, recognize when anger might actually be a cry for help.