How (Well) Do You Handle Conflict?

How You Handle Conflict Quiz

It’s a fact of life in our world today: Conflict, like taxes, is inevitable. This isn’t all bad. Naturally people are going to have differing points of view. Sometimes conflict and the resolution that comes from it, can result in a closer bond between two people or more complete understanding of a situation by a group.

Conflict may arise over small issues or major problems. And sometimes, because of the way individuals handle conflict, those small issues are transformed into Major Problems.

The bullies of the world seem to enjoy conflict, coming at it head long, they’re aggressive on the freeway, surly to service people and argumentative with co-workers. Other people avoid conflict at all costs, never speaking up for themselves, always backing down. They are the doormat everyone walks upon.

A person’s approach to conflict resolution can make life easier or tougher for them. Take a look at the following questions to find out how you respond in conflict situations. Your results may help you understand how you respond in a conflict situation. You can then use this information to approach the conflict differently in order to come to a amenable solution.

  1. When confronted by an angry or hostile person, I take a moment and consider my response, rather than reacting in kind or defensively.

__Always        __ Often          __Sometimes   __Never

  1. When conflict occurs, I clam up and become non-communicative, quiet and passive, hoping it will dissipate.

__Always        __ Often          __Sometimes   __Never

  1. I try to see my part in the situation and am willing to take responsibility for it instead of blaming others or denying any responsibility.

__Always        __ Often          __Sometimes   __Never

  1. Whenever conflict rises, I get sick. The bigger the conflict, the more drastic my symptoms become.

__Always        __ Often          __Sometimes   __Never

  1. During a conflict, I stay with the issue at hand rather than bringing up the past or changing the subject.

__Always        __ Often          __Sometimes   __Never

  1. I’m open to exploring different options for resolution instead of insisting on having my way. I listen to what others say with an open mind.

__Always        __ Often          __Sometimes   __Never

  1. I pay attention to what’s being said behind the words spoken which might have nothing to do with the issue at hand. I ask for clarification when I don’t understand something.

__Always        __ Often          __Sometimes   __Never

  1. I try to avoid conflict by saying there’s no problem or that nothing’s wrong when asked. I downplay even small problems.

__Always        __ Often          __Sometimes   __Never

  1. I establish boundaries during conflicts and don’t allow anyone to verbally or physically abuse me.

__Always        __ Often          __Sometimes   __Never

  1. When a resolution can’t be reached by those involved, and “agreeing to disagree” isn’t an acceptable solution, I’m willing to consult with someone from neutral territory to help resolve the situation.

__Always        __ Often          __Sometimes   __Never